Thursday, April 5, 2007

Yahoo and drying my hair


So every morning when I head out to work, I roll the windows down to dry my hair. Rolling at about 35-50 miles per hour. I can dry it. However today after days of warm air it was like 50. Burrrr. Which made it a bit much. It is my hair routine. What's yours? I also do this while listening to something cranked way up. Today I was listening to The Moaners new record. My fav cut is Foxy Brown. Bc she could kick it and you, with a bar stool while pulling a pistol out of her afro. I saw the movies. I know.

Count down to Show #1. I told my Mom last night and she wants to listen. She will call in with her questions to. Which will be loaded I am sure.

What's going down today?

Bull's opening game tonight.
Reviewing our show outline. Bc I should be ready.
Planning big plans
Listening to my iPod playlist called 'i lost my job, now get out of my way'
Planning a trip to the Zoo
Thinking about powdered toast man
Thinking about eggs

...and you?

Mel T.


Anonymous said...

Ok- I am listening while you play your opening song, which I loved already! Looking forward to the next hour - oh! There's Mel talking! And Scott! I heard you! Anyhow, be sure to keep your playlist and post it here after each show...

Anonymous said...

Great show (and not just b/c I was on it)! Way to go, kids, you sound like old pros!

One comment - do you have an email specific to this show? Maybe you should create one, and then be sure to repeat it frequently throughout the show...

Looking foward to my new Sunday routine (Cartalk, you are so outta here!)
