Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Just a note on streaming the show...

Hi. Tis Scott, co-host of the show. Thought I'd admit to a bit of a problem I was able to overcome recently - no, not the drinking. No. Not the drugs!!!

I spent a few days furiously trying to get our station - WCOM - to stream to my laptop - no deal. Thought it might have been an issue with the vast number of media players I have installed (besides the fact that I'm running Win XP Media Center Edition!) - turns out it was my wireless router protecting me. Changing the permissions to a lower setting allowed the magic that is the interwebs to happen - right there in front of me!

Perhaps I should ponder what they were trying to protect me from, but I'm just glad I can now listen to all the good programming WCOM has to offer!

Thought I'd offer that as a trouble shooting suggestion, in case anyone else was having problems.


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